


On the same day that the County Board had to consider a resolution that referenced illegal immigrants, we had to reconsider a zoning decision because we made a decision that was not legal. In 2023, the state of Illinois passed uniform solar regulations for all counties. Some look at that decision as taking away local control, which is understandable. What is not sometimes talked about is how there was no uniform standard for businesses and property owners and that some counties like LaSalle County had reasonable standards and some counties had none. Either way you want to look at it, county board members knew that voting against a solar projects that met all the conditions the state put on them and had gone through the proper county process, was not legal. I take issue with that because we are a nation of laws and a subunit of state government.

Particularly, our County Chairman knew those rules and voted against the solar business. He stated he had worked against zoning because of property rights but then voted against someone’s ability to do what they wanted to do with their property. That sounds like someone who does not respect property rights. That is not a vote I would make. I voted each time in the affirmative.

You can see this debate at the 1:06 minute mark where we dance around the issue that we did not follow state law, and I speak and question this at the 1:16:55 to the 1:19:20 minute mark.

As for the non-sanctuary motion, it starts at the 2:40:50 minute mark and is wisely tabled and put forth for discussion. My comments are geared toward migrant buses and that asylum seekers have actually been given asylum by the US government, and that they have rights under our laws. That is from 2:59:25 to 3:01:05

Finally, we had a speaker talk about immigration. He stated that county board members had started nodding their heads in passing judgement. Please review the video starting at 33:28 because I cannot find a single board member nodding their head. Rather, the entire board was paying deep attention.


With the surging humanitarian crisis on our southern border, I have been asked by several journalists to discuss what I would do as County Board Chairman. One of the first things you must do is come up with a plan and then make decisions to act based on that plan. My style of decision-making is often asking difficult questions of others so I can make better-informed policy choices.
I specifically asked about whether we can legally declare ourselves as a non-sanctuary county based on Illinois law. I did not expect or demand an immediate answer because of how complex the question is, but I am glad that the State’s Attorney’s office is looking into it.

So I have attached our latest County Board public safety meeting where I ask these important questions to formulate solutions. Please go to the 13:40 mark where I engage our EMA, Sheriff, and State’s Attorney. Our EMA department is working on securing busing options after our meeting. Other board members asked important questions as well.

As you will also note, my primary opponent is at the meeting and does not ask any questions on behalf of the voters at any point of the meeting.

At the very end of the meeting, you can hear myself and the current Board Chairman disagree on public policy and how that is done at the County Board level while maintaining a level of professionalism (49:30 mark and my rebuttal at 51:50).

Illegal immigration has continued throughout my 47 years of life, but not at this level. I was upset to hear Congress went on Christmas vacation versus staying in D.C. and working through a solution. We certainly need leadership and solutions that can balance humanitarian and public safety concerns.